What is Margo Trucks?
Margo Trucks offers on-demand domestic and cross-border trucking services through a fully-digitalised experience. Save time and avoid manual booking procedures by entering the truck requirements in a few steps. After receiving a quotation, confirm your booking and track your truck online.
What services are available with Margo Trucks?
Domestic and Cross-border trucking services.
What is Domestic trucking service?
Domestic trucking service consists of cargo movement in trucks within the UAE.
What is Cross Border trucking service?
Cross-border trucking service consists of cargo movement in trucks to any of the GCC countries (Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar), Jordan and Egypt. From our Saudi office, we can also move cargo in trucks to the UAE.
What are our non-operational areas?
Our services are not available in Syria, Sudan, Yemen and, Military and Restricted Areas.
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