Online truck booking begins here!
Low prices
Low Prices
We offer the lowest rates with our exclusive marketplace.
24/7 Customer Support
Access 24/7 customer support via our toll-free number, +800 62 746(800 MARGO)|tel:+80062746.
Margo Trucks has a network of more than 22,000 trucks. All of our drivers are qualified and pre-screened, guaranteeing a safe and reliable service.
Real-Time Tracking
Receive real-time status updates via notification alerts on your truck’s location and movements with our GPS-enabled 'Track and Trace' feature.

Margo Trucks is suitable for

No more lengthy quotations and follow-ups from various truck suppliers. Margo Trucks provides a digitalised portal covering bulk truck bookings, real-time tracking and reporting that is all under one platform. Business owners based in the UAE or cross-border are eligible to open a credit account with Margo Trucks. 

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Book Your Truck Now!

Submit an enquiry and get a quote for domestic or cross border-movement.

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To (location list)
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Check the status of your truck.

Book your truck in five easy steps

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Insert your details and register as an individual or business user.

Add Shipment Details

Provide us with a pick-up/drop-off location and details about your shipment.


Receive a Quotation

Receive a quotation for trucking services at the lowest available rate.


Pay Online

Select a payment method and pay securely.


Track Online

Receive real-time status updates on your shipment.